Domain Annotation: SCOP2 Classification SCOP2 Database Homepage

ChainsTypeFamily Name Domain Identifier Family IdentifierProvenance Source (Version)
ASCOP2B SuperfamilyGlycosyl hydrolase domain-like 8093223 3001528 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
ASCOP2B SuperfamilyGalactose mutarotase-like 8093217 3000035 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
ASCOP2B SuperfamilyTrefoil 8093219 3000849 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
ASCOP2B Superfamily(Trans)glycosidases 8093221 3000313 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
ASCOP2B SuperfamilyYicI C-terminal domain-like 8093225 3000267 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)

Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage

ChainsFamily NameDomain Identifier ArchitecturePossible HomologyHomologyTopologyFamilyProvenance Source (Version)
AGlyco_hydro_31_Ce2qmjA2 A: beta sandwichesX: Glycosyl hydrolase domain-likeH: Glycosyl hydrolase domain (From Topology)T: Glycosyl hydrolase domainF: Glyco_hydro_31_CECOD (1.6)
AGal_mutarotas_2e2qmjA5 A: beta sandwichesX: Glycosyl hydrolase domain-likeH: supersandwich (From Topology)T: supersandwichF: Gal_mutarotas_2ECOD (1.6)
ADUF5110_1e2qmjA4 A: beta sandwichesX: Putative glucosidase YicI, C-terminal domain (From Topology)H: Putative glucosidase YicI, C-terminal domain (From Topology)T: Putative glucosidase YicI, C-terminal domainF: DUF5110_1ECOD (1.6)
AGlyco_hydro_31_Ne2qmjA1 A: a/b barrelsX: TIM beta/alpha-barrelH: TIM barrels (From Topology)T: TIM barrelsF: Glyco_hydro_31_NECOD (1.6)
ATrefoile2qmjA6 A: few secondary structure elementsX: Trefoil/Plexin domain-like (From Topology)H: Trefoil/Plexin domain-like (From Topology)T: Trefoil/Plexin domain-likeF: TrefoilECOD (1.6)

Domain Annotation: CATH CATH Database Homepage

ChainDomainClassArchitectureTopologyHomologyProvenance Source (Version)
A4.10.110.10 Few Secondary Structures Irregular Spasmolytic Protein domain 1CATH (4.3.0)
A2.60.40.1760 Mainly Beta Sandwich Immunoglobulin-like glycosyl hydrolase (family 31)CATH (4.3.0)
A3.20.20.80 Alpha Beta Alpha-Beta Barrel TIM Barrel GlycosidasesCATH (4.3.0)
A2.60.40.1180 Mainly Beta Sandwich Immunoglobulin-like Golgi alpha-mannosidase IICATH (4.3.0)

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

PF21365Glycosyl hydrolase family 31 C-terminal domain (Glyco_hydro_31_3rd)Glycosyl hydrolase family 31 C-terminal domainGlycosyl hydrolases are key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism. Family 31 comprises of enzymes that are, or similar to, alpha- galactosidases. This entry represents the 3rd beta sandwich domain. Domain
PF13802Glycosyl hydrolase 31 N-terminal galactose mutarotase-like domain (Gal_mutarotas_2)Glycosyl hydrolase 31 N-terminal galactose mutarotase-like domainThis entry represents the first of three common domains found in Glycosyl hydrolase 31 family proteins. It has a galactose mutarotase superfamily fold. Domain
PF01055Glycosyl hydrolases family 31 TIM-barrel domain (Glyco_hydro_31_2nd)Glycosyl hydrolases family 31 TIM-barrel domainGlycosyl hydrolases are key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism. Family 31 comprises of enzymes that are, or similar to, alpha- galactosidases. This entry corresponds to the second domain of family 31 enzymes and adopts a TIM-barrel fold. Domain

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal

Structure Motif Annotation: Mechanism and Catalytic Site Atlas M-CSA Database Homepage

ChainsEnzyme NameDescriptionCatalytic Residues
α‑glucosidase maltase-glucoamylase  M-CSA #976

α‑Glucosidase Maltase- Glucoamylase catalyses the digestion of starch. α‑Glucosidase inhibitors have been efficient in delaying glucose production, which is crucial for regulating postprandial blood glucose levels and can be used for therapeutic purposes to reduce the damage and complications in diabetics and obesity.

Defined by 10 residues: TYR:A-214ASP:A-327ASP:A-366TRP:A-406ASP:A-443MET:A-444ARG:A-526TRP:A-539ASP:A-542HIS:A-600
Explore in 3DM-CSA Motif Definition
EC: 3.2.1 (PDB Primary Data)