
Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase BII

UniProtKB accession:  V5YM14
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UniProtKB description:  Exopeptidase that catalyzes the removal of dipeptide units (NH2-P2-P1-) from the free amino termini of oligopeptides and small proteins (PubMed:24598890, PubMed:24827749, PubMed:8892831). Peptide digestion is sequential and substrate recognition is non-specific, with the exception that Pro is not suitable as a P1 residue (PubMed:24827749). Removes many residues of bioactive oligopeptides such as angiotensin I and neuromedin N and cleaves also oxidized insulin B chain. Able to hydrolyze an X-Pro bond, an imido bond. No endopeptidase activity (PubMed:8892831). May play a physiological role in feeding (PubMed:24598890).
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