Visualize Structure Quality and Mutations with Protein Feature View
Protein Feature View graphically summarizes a full-length protein sequence from UniProt and how it corresponds to PDB entries and annotations from external resources in different "tracks".
New tracks illustrate the quality of a protein chain as described in the wwPDB Validation Report and provide a summary of expression tags, cloning artifacts, and other mismatches.
An Overview of Protein Feature View is available, along with examples of the validation and mutation tracks.

A) Protein Feature View of chain A from hemoglobin entry 4HHB from 1984. The PDB Validation track shows several red residues, indicating many geometric outliers. B) Protein Feature View of chain A from hemoglobin entry 2W72 from 1984. The PDB Validation track shows fewer angle and bond outliers, but highlights residues that fit badly to the electron density map (RSRZ >2).