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QUERY: Structure Author = "Doucet, N." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 30 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 25 of 30 Structures Page 1 of 2 Sort by
The crystal structure of ribonuclease A in complex with thymidine-3'-monophosphateDoucet, N., Jayasundera, T.B., Simonovic, M., Loria, J.P. (2010) Proteins 78: 2459-2468
Structure and activity of the GH20 beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)Nguyenthi, N., Offen, W.A., Davies, G.J., Doucet, N. (2014) Biochemistry 53: 1789
Structure and activity of the GH20 beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)Nguyen Thi, N., Offen, W.A., Davies, G.J., Doucet, N. (2014) Biochemistry 53: 1789
Structure and activity of the GH20 beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)Nguyenthi, N., Offen, W.A., Davies, G.J., Doucet, N. (2014) Biochemistry 53: 1789
The crystal structure of the A109G mutant of RNase AFrench, R.L., Gagne, D., Doucet, N., Simonovic, M. (2015) Structure 23: 2256-2266
The crystal structure of the A109G mutant of RNase A in complex with 5'AMPFrench, R.L., Gagne, D., Doucet, N., Simonovic, M. (2015) Structure 23: 2256-2266
The crystal structure of the A109G mutant of RNase A in complex with 3'UMPFrench, R.L., Gagne, D., Doucet, N., Simonovic, M. (2015) Structure 23: 2256-2266
Crystal structure of RNAse 6(2020) Biochemistry 59: 755-765
Crystal structure of RNAse 6(2020) Biochemistry 59: 755-765
Crystal structure of human Galectin-7 in complex with 4-O-beta-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-glucosePham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. (2021) J Biological Chem 297: 101308-101308
Crystal structure of G16C human Galectin-7 mutantPham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. (2021) J Biological Chem 297: 101308-101308
Crystal structure of G16C human Galectin-7 mutant in complex with lactosePham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. (2021) J Biological Chem 297: 101308-101308
Crystal structure of G16S human Galectin-7 mutantPham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. (2021) J Biological Chem 297: 101308-101308
Crystal structure of G16S human Galectin-7 mutant in complex with lactosePham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. (2021) J Biological Chem 297: 101308-101308
Crystal structure of R20A human Galectin-7 mutantPham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of R20A human Galectin-7 mutant in presence of lactosePham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of R22A human Galectin-7 mutantPham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of R22A human Galectin-7 mutant in presence of LactosePham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of R20A-R22A human Galectin-7 mutantPham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of D103A human Galectin-7 mutantPham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of D103A human Galectin-7 mutant in presence of lactosePham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of R14A human Galectin-7 mutantPham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of R14A human Galectin-7 mutant in presence of 4-O-beta-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-glucosePham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of D94A human Galectin-7 mutantPham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
Crystal structure of D94A human Galectin-7 mutant in presence of lactosePham, N.T.H., Calmettes, C., Doucet, N. To be published
1 to 25 of 30 Structures Page 1 of 2 Sort by |